Blogtober 7th: Basic Blogging Essentials
Blogging is such a bliss, but it can be super challenging. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not rocket science, either; it’s just that I’ve learned being organized & staying consistent gets you the best results.
Before I launched TPOL, I spent an entire year jotting down ideas & doing in-depth research. I wanted to make sure I did it right this time, because with my prior blog, I jumped straight into launch mode without having nearly as much information as I acquired with this one.
A little backstory, in case you forgot, or just didn’t know. I had a blog before with a co-writer. I loved it, but we just couldn’t get our schedules to work out. So I shut it down & decided to revamp. It seemed like a good idea, but I thought about all of the explaining & reworking I’d have to do. So, I gave up with that blog. & at first, I was just going to let things be & find something else to do with my time. But for some reason, I just couldn’t shake it. It was bothering me, because it was a goal that I had my heart set on. So, after some careful consideration & a rather motivating conversation with my mentor, I decided to give this blogging thing another shot — this time, on my own.
Now, I’ve heard lots of people say that the best way to go about blogging when you’re first getting started is to just do it. I would never disagree with that; however, I just wanted to have a more stable idea to avoid being all over the place. & I’d say it worked out really well for me.
I’m all about working out the kinks & details, but not for the sake of prolonging the process. It is important to put yourself out there once you have your general idea, because no one starts off having it ALL together.

So today, I’m sharing with you some of the top blogging essentials. It’s not necessarily specific to new or experienced bloggers. These are things we all need, no matter where we are in our blogging journey.
K, so in this day & age, us tech savvy people can technically blog from our phones because of apps, updated browsers, & such; however, there’s nothing like having a full screen view when your editing content & photos. Having a laptop makes the process all around easier.
This doesn’t necessarily mean DSLR. Lots of bloggers use their phones to take photos because the built-in cameras have such amazing quality. Really, you just need a device that takes pictures.
It’s one essential we can say we always have with us. The world is your inspiration, so you could get an idea & not have anything but your phone on you. It’s good for jotting down little things until you can get to your main blogging tools.
Oh, I can’t even begin to explain how attached I am to my planner. This will be your saving grace. I plan ALL things TPOL in my planner.
If you’re anything like me, you like to brainstorm before you have your finished product. My notebook is what I like to refer back to when I’m looking for ideas that I’ve had. It’s also what I use for really big projects on the blog.
Social Media
Hear me out. Social media is what is going to help you grow your blog beyond measures. Just telling your mom about it won’t get you very far. Unfortunately, I had to learn this the hard way. But once I got over the fear of putting myself out there, TPOL started to grow faster than I ever expected it would.
So, loves. Your BBEs for you.
Do you have different blogging essentials? Tell me all about them in the comments below!
– L