Why You Should Invest in Your Blog

Recently I’ve made it my mission to fully invest in my blog, & I’m not upset about it at all.
It’s taken longer than I would have liked to even get to this point.
I won’t dwell on what I could have done. Instead, I’m going to focus on the fact that I’m here now. & I’m grateful.
Now you may be wondering where exactly is “here.” Like, what all does it entail? Deets.
Let me explain.
When I say that I’ve decided to fully invest in TPOL, I mean full force. No holding back. I’ve known all along that this is what I wanted, but it was never the right time for one reason or another. I found myself going in circles & saying the same things. It was a lot of wishing & hoping topped with some extra “I want this, & I want that.” It finally got to the point where I was fed up with my own wishful thinking. You know it’s bad when you become fed up with yourself. *insert eye roll*
When I got to my “that’s it, I’ve had it” moment, I decided to dedicate my all plus some to TPOL. Because I knew that my vision for this beautiful platform held the bar much higher than the simplicity it was expressing before.
So, I dove in, head first. & of course, it’s still not exactly where I want it to be. But I’ve started. & once I took that first step, I became obsessed. So no, it does not stop here. I can’t wait to bring you along on the journey.
Okay, so let’s get into why you should be investing in YOUR blog.
Invest your Time
Time is SO important. If you’re not spending time, or should I say MAKING the time for your blog, then it won’t ever reach the goals you have set for it. Set aside some time & use it wisely. I’m talking vision. Make time to create a vision. Decide your goals, design your plan. That way, when you start to take steps, it won’t be without direction. I’m telling you, without this investment, you will be lost. I’m just being brutally honest here. It’s a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Remember, TPOL is the blog after the blog.
Invest your Money
Okay, this one took the most time. But, this is also necessary if you are blogging with business in mind. Investing financially is going to help you set your platform, & have an ease of mind knowing that your content belongs to you. I’m talking hosting, themes, & equipment here. & it’s so worth it.
Complete transparency: I had to save up to put money into my blog. I just feel like I had to get to a comfortable point before I took that leap. But even still, I wasn’t super chill. There were pep talks involved. But I did it, & I have NO regrets. Get on board.
Invest Yourself
Mind, body, & soul. That may sound extreme, but I say that because you are going to completely submerge yourself. & it may seem like too much. But my advice is to rally. Have determination. Become obsessed. That’s how you’re going to get there. I’m telling you. For me, I am working in the infamous corporate America right now, 8-10 hours a day. & I come home & spend about 4 hours investing myself for TPOL. Am I tired most of the time? Yes. Are there times when I’d rather just have dinner & go to bed? Absolutely. But what good would that do me? Not much! I’ll just end up right back where I was before.
Now, I know you may be thinking, “L, you’ve lost it.” But for me, I’m doing what’s necessary to move forward. Until I can get to that point of secure transition into what will be known as my business, these are the steps to take right now. & I’m telling you, if you do the same, you will see amazing results. Hard work is key here.
Get excited about it!

Alright, it’s currently 2:30am so I think it’s time to call it a night. I’ll catch you beautiful souls later.
— L
Yesssssss! This is such a great read. I totally agree investing in your blog is so important. It’s the foundation to everything and it’s something that you own.
Great post! Hard work is definitely the key!
Thank you for sharing! It is definitely worth investing in your blog and yourself! I am definitely trying to be better about making the time for my blog!
Inspiring – thank you!
I’m happy I was able to inspire you!
I agree! & you’ve totally got this! Don’t give up ❤️
For sure!
Thank you! & I agree! Without the foundation, we would be lost! ❤️
Thanks for the tips
Going through all of this right now! Feels goo to know we’re not alone in this!
You’re welcome!
OMG! We’re never alone! It’s a process & we are definitely going to get there.