Blogtober 13th: Pumpkin Carving
Ahh, sweet Saturday.
First, let me just say that I can’t believe I’ve made it halfway through Blogtober. Time is flying & I bet it’s because I’m having so much fun.
In other news, I’m currently out of town right now. Something came up, so my family & I had to take a last-minute road trip. Everything is good so far, but I don’t think I was at all prepared for the major temperature change. No, really guys, it’s super cold. But I’m managing, haha.
When I was younger, I used to always want to carve pumpkins for Halloween. Of course, because of the religious background that I came from, I didn’t really have a chance. & even after my parents eased up with their beliefs, I still somehow never got around to doing it. But this year, I was determined to carve a pumpkin, especially since it’s a part of my fall bucketlist challenge.
K, let’s get started.
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We are keeping this project simple, so you should get this really cute pumpkin carving kit from Target. The kit comes with almost everything you’ll need for the job: a crayon, a safety saw, a comfort saw, a lid cutter saw, an easy grip carving saw, a Jack-o-Ripper scoop, & a jumbo drill. It’s good for the whole family, except for the babies under 3. But that’s obvious, right?
Okay, next you need a nice carving pumpkin. Be sure it’s NOT a baking pumpkin. Yes, there’s a difference. Once you have it, I think it’s a good idea to rinse the pumpkin off to get off any excess dirt.
Aside from the carving kit, you’ll need either a trashcan or a bowl for the insides of the pumpkin, depending on if you’d like to use it for something else or not. Oh, & a candle to light up your finished product.
So first, you want to draw your design of choice onto the pumpkin using the crayon.
Next, grab the lid cutter saw to cut a circle around the stalk & cut it out of the pumpkin because this will be your lid.
Time to make your pumpkin hallow. Use your Jack-o-Ripper scoop for this & be sure to clear all of the insides out.
Then, carve out the designs you drew earlier with the easy grip carving saw. Take your time & try to stay on the lines of your art to ensure neatness.
Place a candle inside of your pumpkin, light it, then put the lid back on.
There you have it. A super easy & family-friendly way to carve your Halloween pumpkins.
Are you carving pumpkins or are you getting pre-made ones? I’d love to know what you prefer!
Happy decorating loves.
– L