12 Days of Blogmas: 8 | A Cozy Night In

Don’t we all owe it to ourselves to just have a night in sometimes?
I mean, really. Most of us are on the go every waking second, & we never stop to just be in the moment.
A lot of times, it truly is because we have a million & 1 things on our to-do list, & there isn’t much time. But there has to be at least 1 or 2 nights out of the month where we can really take a moment for us to just chill & pamper.

It’s so important to remember to take care of ourselves as much as we take care of everything else. Trust me on this. Burnout DOES happen, & it’s not fun. It also makes it so hard to get back into the groove of things, & back to totally loving what you do.
The “not-so-secret” secret is to MAKE time for yourself.
If you’re Type A like me, plan it & pencil it in. If you’re super spontaneous & fly by the seat of your pants, just stop what you’re doing one night & switch it up. Make it about you.
Either way, your mind & body will thank you for it.
I could literally go on an entire rant about this, because I’ve experienced the exhaustion & the burnout & the absolute major struggle to get back on track. Maybe we can dive into it on a later post?
Anyway, let’s discuss this cozy night in situation.
It will need to consist of a few very important necessities to get it just right.
A nice candle-lit bubble bath
This may seem over the top, but that’s the point. We’re unapologetically going above & beyond for ourselves. Turn on some soft Bossa Nova, hop in & just relax. & also take your time. No need to rush here. When you’re done, you’ll feel SO refreshed.
Your Most Comforting Pjs
If what you’re wearing for the night isn’t comfortable, then YOU won’t be comfortable. Your pjs set the tone for the entire night after your bath.
Comfort Food & Snacks
It’s not a true cozy night without the delectable bites. Go all out in your own way. & please know, that there are healthy ways to go about this, too. Don’t count yourself out.
Your Drink of Choice
I always go with a nice wine, because it’s so relaxing for me. But if you’re not into that, there’s also hot cocoa, coffee, juice, H2O. All the things. It’s all about what you’re feeling in the moment.
Some really good movies or a book that you’re into
If you’re not watching movies, grab a book. If you’re not reading, grab the remote. See where I’m going with this? Your mind needs to slip away from the things of the day & into zen mode. But in this case, you’re still keeping it occupied.
The Softest Blanket You Have
Okay, this is a big deal like the pjs. Having a nice, soft blanket to snuggle up with is just the icing on the cake. I know I sure appreciate the extra layer of cozy.
So, this is the recipe to the perfect cozy night in. Since I have a small holiday break, this is what my Christmas Eve will consist of. It’s well needed.
& remember, it’s important to take at least one night a month to do this. It will do your mind & body lots of good.
What does your cozy night in look like? How often do you have one? I’d love to know.
Alright, off to finish the last day of this work week with a bang.
Chat later, babes.
– L
Definitely.. taking care of yourself is piority❤ if you can’t take care of yourself you won’t be able to take care of others
I totally agree!