How to Enjoy a Spring Moment While Working from Home
Hi, hello, what’s up?!
I know it’s been a while, but a LOT of life has been happening. Like so much that I wouldn’t even know where to start. So, I took a much needed moment to deal with & process it all. I’m still working through some things, but the good news is I’m back!
Sometimes you never really know how much you need a break until you’re forced to take one. & if my time away taught me anything, it was that we need to be more gentle with ourselves. Take it from me. Your entire being will thank you for it.
Now, moving right along. Let’s get into today’s topic.
Spring has arrived! Finally, we have some much appreciated nice weather after the major snow storm here in Texas.
I know that a lot of us are still working from home due to social distancing & such, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take full advantage of my second favorite season.
I mean, seriously, who wouldn’t want to? Greenery is starting to sprout on trees again, flowers are blooming, the weather is sunny & just right, the foods we eat are more fun. It’s pure bliss.
So here are some ways to enjoy a spring moment while going about your work day from your home office.
Open the windows.
We all need a little sunlight every now & then. It will give you more energy to help you power through your day.
Add a nice bouquet on your desk.
Nothing screams spring like flowers. Grab your favorites & add some spice to your home office.
Go for a walk during your break.
There’s no comparison to getting out & stretching your legs in some nice weather. Plus you get to increase your blood flow.
Slip into something from your spring wardrobe for errands.
It’s time to let the winter clothes go if you haven’t already. Pull out your favorite pieces for the season to slip into before heading out.
Grab a nice springy salad for lunch.
In my opinion, salads just taste better during the spring. All of the fruits & veggies are fresher & more flavorful.
Have a cocktail after work.
I’m talking a good strawberry mojito situation. Indulge a little. & it’s the perfect refreshment after a long day of work.
See? We can fully enjoy this season even if we are still home. It’s all about making the best out of your situations.
Honestly, I say make a routine out of it. Incorporate your favorite spring activities & foods, but get creative & switch it up so you don’t get bored. You just might find yourself looking forward to certain parts of your work day. 😉
Alright, I think I’ve ranted long enough. Can you tell I missed you guys?! Truly I did.
Talk soon!
– L