How to Reorganize Your Home for Fall

I can’t believe I’m finally saying this, but the first day of fall is just a few hours away!!!
Clearly, I’m way too excited but it’s just in my nature, because if you know me, I rant about this season all. year. long.
I even have a “first day of fall” tradition that includes starting the original Charmed show for the millionth time ( no, I don’t get tired 😉 ), fall scented candles from my favorite wellness store, cozy blankets, & comfort snacks. OH & the festivities cannot start before sunset. I’m TOO ready for this tomorrow evening.
Anyway, since the seasonal transition is happening, & it’s when we start to spend more time inside, I though it the perfect time to talk about reorganizing our homes for fall.
I like to set a whole vibe.
I’m talking put anything that resembles spring & summer away, declutter, decorate — the whole 9.
Ready for details?
Here we go.

How to Reorganize Your Home for Fall
Wardrobe Edit
While simultaneously switching out your wardrobe, you can edit your pieces to remove those that you’re just not feeling anymore. Plus, when you go shopping for new pieces, you don’t risk duplicating any that you already have.
So, this one is new for me. & I actually never would have thought of it on my own. Thanks interwebs! Someone had this miraculous idea to declutter your devices. Phones, laptops, iPads, even your smart watches. We have lots of apps, files, pictures, & folders. More than we actually use, so why not clear some of it out & free up some storage? It’s the perfect idea!
Home Office Space
I don’t know about you, but my desk in my home office can get a little chaotic with all the things that take place in my brain. So grab some organizers, poly folders, and file compartments to keep everything tidy.
Food Storage
This one is always fun for me. Time to get into the fridge, the freezer, & the pantry. Pull out everything & see what isn’t expired & what needs to be thrown away. Also, it’s a perfect time to clean out those storage areas & make them ready to be refilled. Also, as I mentioned earlier, don’t forget to stock up on comfort snacks!
We all have that infamous junk drawer. Now is the time to go through it, & remove everything that’s no longer needed. Compartmentalizing your drawers is perfect to make everything easily accessible as well.
Fall Aesthetic
FAV! Pull out the fall decor. My tip here would be try not to make your home look cluttered. Think a few big pieces to fill the spaces vs a million small pieces.
Pre-Holiday Prep
Start a list for the holidays. At this point, you’ve touched some of the main areas of your home. What do you need? Plan for holiday shopping — gifts, hosting, necessities. Take your time here so that you don’t miss one single detail.
There you have it!
Have fun with this because thinking of it as a chore will have you dreading it something fierce. If you have others in your home, take it on together. You can even make cute little games out of it. Get creative!
Okay! Ready for tomorrow?!!
See you then!
– L
“Nice Info” This is absolutely amazing & informative. It’s really something special. Keep it this. God Bless.
I’m happy you like it!