12 Days of Blogmas | Happenings Lately

Ohhh my goodness, HI!
How have you been? What’s been up?!
I’d LOVE to hear all about it.
Today is the perfect day to have a little check in. With ourselves & with each other.
It really matters, ya know? I mean, how long do we actually go without it? All because we are just going through the motions.
We tend to get lost in the day-to-day, so here’s your little reminder to take a minute. Do some breath work, meditate, journal — whatever works for you.
Good? Cool, let’s dive in!
Sooo much has been happening over the past couple of months, so I thought I’d fill you in.
As you know, I celebrated my “still twenty-something” birthday in October. It always blows my mind every single year that, “I’m older.” Like, time is really moving & it’s waiting for none of us. Anyway, there was a whole dinner arrangement planned, but plans changed ( as they sometimes do ) because some family go sick, life happened for others, & it just wasn’t an ideal situation. So instead, a more low key celebration took place, & it was still great!
Next there was a business convention at the Hyatt Regency located at DFW Airport. If I’m being honest, the night before, I was almost talking myself out of going for various reasons — one of them being it was a very new setting for me, & another being I didn’t think that I’d know anyone there. Even the morning of, there was hesitation. But I made the decision to do the hard thing & go anyway. SO proud & grateful for that decision, because it was just what I needed to get into gear. & the added bonus was I got to meet someone that I’ve been admiring for FOREVER. Had a total fan-girl moment. It was a real treat & I look forward to never missing an event again!
Okay, so right after that was a “super quick” trip to Mississippi. Super quick turned into more days, & I couldn’t be more grateful because, some quality time was spent with my precious grandparents & I got to see other family members as well. It’s always a joy being around them.
I retuned to Dallas with a satisfied heart, then worked & worked some more.
Next was Thanksgiving. At first I thought it was going to be the usual. Nothing super special. But oh my goodness you guys! I got to host Thanksgiving dinner with my family for the first time ever. It was so heartwarming & full of love & life. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it!
& finally, the last thing to catch you up on is that same weekend, we took a trip to Austin! It was my first time going & we had a blast. When we first arrived, some shopping had to take place because, I realized after we were almost there that I’d left my coat at home. So much fun LOL. I found this super nice coat at Burlington. You can see the outfit deets here. We stopped at iHOP for breakfast, & went to check into our hotel. We took a beat to shower, relax, & change before the festivities took place. Here’s the run down: a boat tour of the city, an adventure through Peppermint Parkway for the light show, & a nice evening dinner at Perry’s Steak House. It was everything I could have hoped for. You can see the IG replay here.
That felt like a rollercoaster as I was writing, but gosh these past two months have been the most fun I’ve had since before the pandemic. My heart needed it, & I’m so glad it happened.
Whew. Okay, enough rambling.
You all are amazing & I’m so grateful for you! 💕
– L