12 Days of Blogmas | Throw Out Your 2023 Resolutions: We’re Writing Goals Instead

We all know that once the last Christmas song is played, & the last present is opened, that the Holidays are coming to an end (I miss you already, Mariah!).
Now, before we know it, it’s January 1st.
For many people, January is a time of resolutions, re-sets, & reinvention. But, what if this year, you tried a different approach in order to make positive changes that last for longer than just one month.
I am the QUEEN of setting high expectations for myself every January only to end up disappointed by the time February rolls around. I claim that I’m going to do everything in my power to follow a strict diet, go to the gym five times a week, & journal every single night. I’m exhausted just THINKING of doing all that. While it is always good to have ambitions for growth, let’s not forget to show ourselves some love & compassion. There is a better way to start off 2023!
Instead of resolutions, let’s think about goals.

Resolutions are decisions to refrain from doing something, to change something, or to behave in a certain way. Resolutions are vague, & that is why they are something that often leaves us feeling disappointed, unclear, & eventually causes us to abandon them all together. However, a goal is a specific target that states what you want to achieve, how it will be achieved, & when it will be achieved by.
A well-written goal has these qualities: it is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, & has a timeline. An abbreviation that can help you remember this is calling it a SMART goal. For example, a resolution this year for you may be wanting to save money. Instead, try writing a goal that says: “In six months, I will save $500 so I can afford that new purse I’ve been eying.” Instead of saying, in 2023 I will meditate more, say “I will meditate once a week for 5 minutes.”
It’s okay to start small. You don’t have to start going to the gym five times a week when you only go once a month right now. Great things don’t happen all at once, they happen when you do lots of little things consistently.
& remember, make sure you’re writing goals that are meaningful & relevant for YOU. Don’t just say you want to go on more runs when you know you hate running. Don’t say you want to get into the nursing program at school just because your mom said it was best for you. Think about what your own values are, what you want to do to improve your life, & how you can do it in a way that is enjoyable & productive for YOU.
I challenge you to be mindful this January & take time to write down three goals for yourself that follow the SMART script. Resolutions can be a good place to start to help you identify what changes you want to make. Once you know that, rephrase it as a goal & see how much easier it is to stick with!
We are leveling up all 2023, loves.
Let’s grow together.
– Dr. Katherine Lewis, OTD, OTR/L ( aka: Katie, TPOL Contributor )